2023 Forest Therapy Guide Training combined Deaf/HardOfHearing

A remarkable journey into the heart of the forest; an encounter with the heart of humanity

The Practice of Forest Therapy

A synthesis of ancient traditions and modern research.

Certified Forest Therapy Guide

The World's Leading Standards-Based Training & Certification Program
for Forest Therapy Guides

A Growing Global Community

Friendships and Forests go Together
2023 Forest Therapy Guide Training combined Deaf/HardOfHearing
2024 Hybrid Forest Therapy Guide Training
A remarkable journey into the heart of the forest; an encounter with the heart of humanity
In this training, you will learn:
  • Learn how to guide ANFT's Standard Sequence - A Powerful approach to nature connection
  • Sequencing forest therapy invitations for maximum impact and benefit
  • The heart-centered Way of the Guide approach
  • The Language of Invitation to help create powerful connections with self and nature
  • Somatic techniques for embodied awareness
  • The pedagogy and fundamentals of nature connection
  • Nature and forest therapy research and knowledge
  • Trail awareness and safety -how to choose a forest therapy trail
  • Getting to know your bioregion, its history, watershed, awarenesses and more
  • Facilitation skills that promote an open environment for group sharing
  • Expressive arts activities for forest therapy
  • Competency standards: what a Forest Therapy Guide should know and be able to do
  • Tips for successfully promoting your forest therapy offerings

This combined cohort is provided both in English and American Sign Language (ASL), by two experienced ANFT trainers, in collaboration with a certified Deaf Forest Therapy Guide. ASL Interpreters will be present to facilitate communication for all the participants in this cohort.

This Cohort will explore ways to offer an inclusive approach to Forest Therapy that includes different ways of communication, relationship and resources for health and wellbeing between guides, participants, and the More than Human World.

This exciting opportunity will also include some innovative ways of incorporating the deaf perspective into the traditional training programs, such as exploring the meaning of silence, language, embodiment, and acceptance of the diverse ways to be human in the Forest.

The goal of this cohort is to expand the possibilities of the practice of Forest Therapy both by deaf and hard-of-hearing guides and hearing guides, so that all guides can return to their communities and share the benefits and gifts of this practice with both signing and non-signing people.

The training is designed in a way that will gently guide you through all the steps and processes to integrate and deepen the embodied learning. Upon completion of this course you will be able to successfully guide forest therapy walks within the framework of ANFT's guide certification training.

The Sea Turtle deaf/hard-of-hearing students will start the training with the 4-day in-person immersion before the 6-month remote core training. This immersion will take place before the remote training starts. Dates will be up soon.