Herbal Medicine and Tea in Forest Therapy and Beyond

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Herbal Medicine and Tea in Forest Therapy and Beyond

Rosita Arvigo, a renowned herbalist, author, and lecturer, has written a book for city dwellers who long to know more about the healing gifts of nature. Her book, "The Urban Herbalist: A Guide to Medicinal Plants of Midwest Cities" describes 78 fascinating medicinal plants for you to discover right outside your door in your local neighborhood, city parks, and empty lots. These plants and many more about which Rosita is knowledgeable grow at Morton Arboretum. In this course you will learn to identify healing and edible plants and trees and how to prepare teas, salves, poultices, and syrups that can help you live a longer, healthier, better quality life. Rosita will show how these plants can be incorporated into forest therapy walks.

Rosita, who spent decades in Central America, shares much of the wisdom she learned from traditional healers there. She transmits her knowledge in layperson’s language, accompanied by charming anecdotes. Vintage illustrations of each plant make this book a collectible.