Immersions 2023

An opportunity to connect with other guides from other cohorts and learn from the shared experiences.

The Practice of Forest Therapy

A synthesis of ancient traditions and modern research.

Certified Forest Therapy Guide

The World's Leading Standards-Based Training & Certification Program
for Forest Therapy Guides

A Growing Global Community

Friendships and Forests go Together
Immersions 2023
An opportunity to connect with other guides from other cohorts and learn from the shared experiences.

A 4 day in-person gathering, with 1 or 2 trainers, and people from different cohorts where you will have the opportunity to apply what you learned, experience in-person forest therapy walks and simply connect and share experiences and stories with other guides.

In this immersion, you will:

Get a hands on experience of what you learned
Get to know trainers personally
Get to know other guides and connect
Learn from shared experiences with other guides
Deepen into the practice
Get the opportunity to ask specific questions that might come up

Once you complete this four-day immersion, your certification will be moved from provisional to permanent. You have  two years after you complete the six month core training course to complete an immersion. It will help to give you a sense of the community of guides that has grown and is active throughout the world.