Way of the Guide and Houses of the Heart Daylong

Explore the archetype of the guide and trace your journey through the houses of your heart

The Practice of Forest Therapy

A synthesis of ancient traditions and modern research.

Certified Forest Therapy Guide

The World's Leading Standards-Based Training & Certification Program
for Forest Therapy Guides

A Growing Global Community

Friendships and Forests go Together
Way of the Guide and Houses of the Heart Daylong
Explore the archetype of the guide and trace your journey through the houses of your heart

Morning (9:00 am- Noon): Way of the Guide: an exploration of the Guide archetype, how it is emerging in these times, and why it is essential. Learn how guides work in partnership with the more-than-human world to facilitate liminal journeys in which humans encounter mirrors of their souls, and deepen their memory of relatedness to all beings. The guide archetype does not work alone, but requires partnerships with other human archetypes such as mentor, healer, and teacher; as well as with process archetypes such as the Journey, and archetypes of place.

Afternoon (1:30-4:30): Houses of the Heart: Guided journeys facilitate encounters with our deepest longings, which spring from the secret hearts of who we are and were born to be. This session explores the mythic story of how we are each born as carriers of seeds of four medicines. Each of us carries a unique configuration of these gifts, powers, and ways of beauty. What we share is that the medicines we carry are needed now, and the architecture of our individual souls is not random, but purposeful and responsive to the times we are in. This session will include an embodied exploration of the four "houses of the heart:" the medicines of inspiration, embodiment, vocation, and wisdom.