WaiOra Beach Retreat, Aotea Great Barrier Island, New Zealand

Aotea - Great Barrier Island welcomes you with its long sandy surf beaches,  sheltered coves, rugged volcanic ranges, regenerating native forests and wetland eco-systems. This beautiful and remote island, affectionately known as 'The rock' by locals,  is situated approx. 90 kms NE of Auckland- NZ’s largest city, and is a world of its own. Great Barrier has a thriving fully off-grid community of settler families, creatives, renegades and folk who learn how to make do and live off the land and ocean as much as possible. With an area of 285 sq km (110 sq m) this diamond-shaped island is NZ’s 4th largest and also known as the jewel in Auckland’s crown. Its highest point, Hirakimata/Mt Hobson, is 627 metres (2,057 ft) above sea level. It is sought after as a holiday destination for trampers/hikers, conservationists, fishermen, divers, surfers, families and nature lovers alike, as well as those interested in exploring its International Dark Night Sky Sanctuary status. There are natural hot springs in the bush and many different eco-systems here to explore all within a relatively short drive. Please note living off-grid requires a consciousness and awareness around power and water usage wherever you stay, so there may be some restrictions in place. Wi-fi and cellphone access can be intermittent or not available in some locations.

This venue is trainer Vicky Kyan’s  private Nature therapy retreat and homestay  accommodation and is situated a stone’s throw from the white sands of Medland’s Beach on the East coast of Aotea. Limited bed space is available here, but it will be our central meeting point each day throughout this training. The theme for this x4 day Immersion training will include guiding by the ocean as well as ‘bush’ and eco-systems other than forest.

Surf beaches, sheltered harbours, coastline estuaries, sand-dune  and wetland forests, natural hot-springs, volcanic ranges, dark night skies. Native flora includes: regenerating native forests - kauri, nikau etc.; wetland vegetationNative fauna includes many rare and endangered seabirds including Takoketai- Black petrel, Korora- Little Blue penguin; wetland birds including Pateke- Brown teal duck; other rare native species including endangered native parrots - Kaka, Kakariki  along with other native species. The island is also known as a 'Dolphin Hotspot'.