Nature and Forest Therapy Guides

Bente Oeien Hauge

Certified Guide Since

I was born in Oslo but have been living between tall mountain sides in the valley for 40 years. In one end of the valley is the fjord and tin the other end is the snow covered mountains. In the middle of the valley runs the famous salmon river where English lords contemplated by the banks as far back as the 1870s.

My husband and I have a small sheep farm that has been in his family for hundreds of years.

I love guiding people and opening the door to sensory experiences in the forest. Will you come with me? We will walk very slowly, over short distances. If this is your first time with forest therapy or shinrin yoku, I think I can promise you that it will be an experience to remember. And maybe you will be inspired to practice on your own …? We will round up the walk with a cup of locally foraged tea and some snacks. I look so much forward to seeing you!

Shinrin Yoku Laerdal