Nature and Forest Therapy Guides

Carike Claassen

Certified Guide Since

I believe that long, slow walks can change lives. As a certified forest therapy guide, I facilitate these types of walks. On a guided shinrin-yoku (forest bathing) walk with me, you’re invited to slow down, and instead of achieving anything in particular…just be.

I approach this practice from two perspectives. I do guide public walks every now and then, mostly to raise awareness around events such as Earth Hour, Arbour Day, and other environmental causes close to my heart. If you are interested in joining one of these public walks, please see my Facebook page for details on upcoming events. For the most part however, I work one-on-one or in small private groups with women who are longing to reconnect with their inner wildishness. These are women who, though perhaps a bit uncertain about where to begin, are dedicated to undertaking their own heroine’s journey.

I draw on a combination of forest therapy techniques, insights from my own lived experience, and tools I learned from my Playing Big facilitator’s training. In essence, my vision for doing this work with women is to experience and facilitate interconnections, clear hearing of wisdom from the inner, human and more-than human worlds, and aliveness to what is presented in the moment. If this speaks to you, please have a look at my website for more information about services I offer.

I am certified as a forest therapy guide by the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs. I am also a certified Wilderness First Responder, and completed my Playing Big Facilitator training with Tara Mohr in the United States. I bring additional context to this work from a decade as an academic economist, with a special interest in understanding the unique position of women in the economy.

My love affair with long walks began as a child, when my father would often take me out on day hikes. Some of the long walks I have completed since then include the Amatola Trail, the Tankwa Camino, and figuring out that I really wanted to be a forest therapy guide when I grew up. ;-)

I hope that you and I will take a walk together soon.

Aardwolf Nature Connection