Nature and Forest Therapy Guides

Fereshteh Toosi: Nature Connection Arts Lab

Certified Guide Since

Fereshteh Toosi directs the Nature Connection Arts Lab which offers transformative, outdoor experiences to foster a renewed commitment to our ecosystems.

While based in the subtropical bioregion of south Florida, Fereshteh also welcomes opportunities to offer forest bathing walks in other locations. Her work with special events and festivals has taken her to a diverse range of environments including piñon-juniper woodlands in northern New Mexico, restored prairies of periurban Chicago, and city parks in Cyprus.

In addition to being certified with the Association of Forest and Nature Therapy Guides, Fereshteh is a Certified Interpretive Guide with the National Association for Interpretation and a member of the American Horticultural Therapy Association. Fereshteh also works as an Assistant Professor of Art and Art History at Florida International University in Miami, Florida.

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Nature Connection Arts Lab