Nature and Forest Therapy Guides

Gisela Immich, M.Sc.

Certified Guide Since

Hi, I am Gisela Immich from Germany.

I am a research associate at the Chair of Public Health and Health Service Research (IBE) at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany. I made my Bachelor degree (B.Sc.) in complementary and alternative medicine and my Masters degree in health promotion and prevention in the life span. Additionally, I am a certified Forest Therapy Guide as well as certfied Medical Climatotherapist, a naturpatic practioner as well as classical homoeopath. In 2018, I took part at the INFOM Forest Medicine with Prof. Li in Tokyo and Okutama.

My main research focus at the University Munich is the complex topic of health effects by nature, especially by forests. Our unit conducts in cooperation with the Kneipp Physician Association a 6 day intense training in mindfulness, naturopathic methods and deeper nature connection for health promotion and prevention. Main focus are the health effects of the forest climate by itself, the scientific evidence of forest bathing and forest therapy as well as different body-mind as well as Kneipp appraoches for certain interventions. Additionally, I am invited as national or interantional speaker in the field of green rehab, forest and health, naturpatic interventions or urban green for health.

In 2018, I was invited to contribute as co-author to the German book "Waldtherapie" (Forest Therapy) which has been published by Springer Nature. It will be translated in English, hopefully soon.

Finally, I love to notice the transformativ and healing effects of forest or nature to mankind.