Nature and Forest Therapy Guides

Maria Verdicchio

(604) 816-4174
Certified Guide Since

Born in Vancouver, Canada, I began guiding people in Nature in 1986 when I was a horseback trail guide in Jasper, in the Canadian Rockies.

Growing up on the edge of the forest in West Vancouver, Canada, I spent as much time as possible climbing trees, exploring creek beds, and catching bullheads in tidal pools.

From guiding walking tours for Butterfield and Robinson in Italy, to trail guiding in the mountains in Australia and Canada, I am inspired and fueled by Nature. Always looking for a way to share this experience with others led me to the practice of Forest Bathing and becoming certified as a guide.

During our time forest bathing, through a series of invitations, I will guide you to awaken your senses, deepen your connection with yourself, with nature, and with others. This is not just a stroll in the park - it's also not hiking. We'll move slowly and intentionally through nature over 2.5 hours, covering no more than 1 km. I offer public and corporate walks, so please get in touch to find out what I can offer your private group or business.

Check on Airbnb Experiences for my next public walks:

Nature RX