Nature and Forest Therapy Guides

Michael Badier

Certified Guide Since

I am a long-standing advocate for social injustice. One of the most severe being the mistreatment of nature and all things connected to the natural world in the name of 'progress'.

In what ways do I demonstrate this ..?

I am a member of the management committee for The Hunter Community Environment Centre who works on shutting down the coal industry in NSW leading towards a national closure.

I am volunteer coordinator for The Wilderness Society, an organisation committed to the preservation of all natural spaces in Australia. My role is essentially based around recruitment and the wellbeing of the members within our local activist groups.

I am a passionate advocate for Regenerative Culture within the global movement Extinction Rebellion, and stand beside other local efforts as an XR Newy member such as SS4C & NCCR. I believe this training will be most beneficial to my local community as a whole when maintaining a vigil with every person's social and emotional wellbeing around environmental impact.

I have a role in capacity building as a Disability Support Officer, mainly focusing on developing the strengths of youths living on the spectrum. I have encountered some amazing moments shared within nature walks testifying to the healing benefits of connection with nature through this work.

Most importantly .. I am the sole carer of three teenage sons, who have been the drive for every aspect of personal growth and social development for the last twenty years. They remain now, as much as ever, my inspiration to find my place within the 'human world'.