Nature and Forest Therapy Guides

Minnie Kansman

Certified Guide Since

Minnie Kansman and her business Eco~Balance Humanity in Harmony with Nature have been assisting others with Feng Shui, Sacred Space Clearing, and Nature Spirit Connection since 1994. She is a certified Master Feng Shui Consultant and Educator and a certified Nature and Forest Therapy Guide. She lives lightly on the land and honors the power of Spirit in all things. Minnie is the author of Spirit Gardens: Rekindling our Nature Connection, and Missing Nana: Lessons from the Nature Spirits, a playful children’s story about the afterlife based on love.

Minnie is a co-host of the radio show Nature Adventures, on Star Nations Radio Network on the third Wednesday of the month at 4 p.m. EST. She is also the owner of Nature Travel Adventures, taking travelers on Sacred Earth adventures in the United States and abroad.

Eco~Balance Humanity in Harmony with Nature