Nature and Forest Therapy Guides

Shelley Anderson

Certified Guide Since

Growing up on Vancouver Island, BC in Canada I have always had an immense love for the outdoors. Whether hiking, camping, or swimming – any time in a natural environment has always breathed life into my soul. As a Forest Therapy Guide trained by the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy, my love for nature has only deepened as I share with others the great gift I have been given in and through this life-transforming practice. I look forward to sharing this deep passion of mine with all those I connect with in this experience.

Furthermore, I have a heart and passion to see people of all ages once again reap the benefits of spending more time outside than they do inside and more often-than-not, on their screens. Studies are showing that kids are spending up to 9 hours a day with screen-time. More than ever children and adults alike are in need of a digital detox; needing to experience the benefits of being in the outdoors. Studies are showing incredible mental, physical, emotional health benefits of spending more time outdoors. Furthermore, time spent in the outdoors enhances creativity.

Nature Impact Incorporated is an opportunity to experience a deeper relationship with the natural world. Through a series of invitations you will have the opportunity to work on your relationship with yourself, with the natural world, and in time this very present moment. It is not a hike, nor is it a naturalist walk rather, it is a time to both give and receive in the context of both human and nature connection. There is no right or wrong way to experience Forest Therapy. We believe that each participant will receive exactly what they were supposed to receive in this 2-3 hour guided walk. We look forward to listening together with you and receiving all that being in nature has to offer.