Nature and Forest Therapy Guides

Trainer Resources for Immersions

We have collected a number of documents and guidelines that may help you with the facilitation of your immersion. Some are required while others are informational and suggested.

Required Documents

Immersion Venue Insurance Info Request
This document outlines the insurance your venue needs to have, our suggestion that you add the venue to your insurance as additionally insured and list the information we’re requesting is sent to us so that we may try to add the venue as additionally insured.

ANFT Immersion Team Paperwork Reconciliation Document
This document outlines the paperwork distribution, collection and process to return it to the office. This document is to be reviewed before the immersion.

ANFT health questionnaire
This needs to be printed (1 per participant and team member) and brought to the immersion for participants and trainers to fill out. This paperwork will be kept on hand during the training the sent back to ANFT as outlined in the paperwork reconciliation document.

ANFT COVID-19 Self-Check Agreement
Participants sign this document prior to attending the immersion and are asked to preform an additional self-check before leaving to attend the immersion. You do not need to have participants sign this again. You should have one with you for reference when the participants individually check in and you confirm that the participant has performed this check prior to coming to the immersion as outlined in the paperwork reconciliation document.

Social Distancing Standards Agreement
Participants sign this document prior to attending the immersion you do not need to have them sign this again. You should have one with you for reference so that you can go over it with the group at orientation  along with any other Covid-19 related guidelines for your gathering and venue set by the CDC and local governing bodies as outlined in the paperwork reconciliation document.

Consent and Release Form for Use of Likeness
Participants sign this document prior to attending the immersion you do not need to have them sign this again unless they change their mind and would like to grant or revoke use of likeness. It is a good idea to have a couple of copies on hand at the immersion.

ANFT Emergency Procedures Document
This document should be accessible to each trainer during the immersion.

Accident and Incident Report Form
If there is an accident or incident involving a participant or trainer fill out this form (1 per incident), document on the paperwork reconciliation document and mail or scan to the ANFT offices with the rest of the paperwork.

Emergency Information Package for Training Location) 
This form should be filled out upon an instructors arrival at a venue and should be accessible to each trainer during the immersion.

ANFT Immersion Evaluation
Evaluación de Inmersión ANFT
This needs to be printed (1 per participant) and brought to the immersion for participants to fill out on the last day. This paperwork will be sent back to ANFT as outlined in the paperwork reconciliation document.  

Public Walk Waiver and Release Form
Having a public walk is optional. If you choose to have a public walk this walk can only be advertised to people whom the participants know personally. At this time we are not going to extend this opportunity to venue staff or the general public in order to reduce the liability.
If you choose to have a public walk this form needs to be given to, and collected from, all public walk participants, then sent on to the ANFT offices. Upon collection make sure the signature, date, name, address and phone number are all listed and accurate. Trainer collecting the form will sign for ANFT.

Public Walk Evaluation
Having a public walk is optional.  If you choose to have a public walk this form needs to be given to, and collected from, all public walk participants, then sent on to the ANFT offices.

MOU Template Immersion
MOUs/agreements/contracts with immersion venues must be made between an immersion team member (or both members) and the venue directly, and not ANFT. This MOU template has been provided as a guide. You are not obligated to use this template. You can create your own contract between yourself(s) and the venue or use a contract that the venue drafts.  If you should choose to create your own contract there are certain considerations outlined in this template you may want to include. In this template areas highlighted in yellow need to be filled in accordance with the agreeing parties and details of your specific immersion. You may use this template as is to create your MOU with the venue, or you may revise it to reflect your needs. If you use this template, you will need to carefully review each section as they may be sections that are not relevant to your immersion that you may want to revise.

Resource Documents
Sample Schedule Playa Los Vivos Ben and Manuela

Sample Schedule Woodbound Inn Nadine and Darlene

Sample Schedule Los Angeles Arboretum Ben and Manuela

Sample Schedule Rolling Ridge Immersion Tam and Nadine

Sample Schedule Woodbound Inn Immersion Nadine and Carla

Sample Schedule Wellbeing Retreat Center Immersion Tam and Christine

Cold Weather Gear List for Forest Therapy Immersions

Sample Lodging, Ride and Meal Sharing Spreadsheet for immersion participants
Your participants may find this helpful if your venue does not provide lodging and people may be renting Airbnb’s. If your venue does provide lodging it may still come I handy for those who want to ride share. It’s completely up to you if you want to provide this resource. If you do you’ll want to make a copy of this google sheet to your own google drive and send the links to your participants in advance (make sure you set the link to give editing permission so participants can enter their information).

If you do use this spreadsheet we request that you do provide this message with it: We are only providing this way of connecting and sharing information. Neither we or ANFT is involved or responsible for the coordination in transportation, lodging or meal share arrangements between participants.

Here is some wording that you may choose to provide as well: We have created a spreadsheet for participants to coordinate ride, lodging and/or meal sharing with each other ahead of time. If you want to see about riding or lodging with someone, offering a ride or lodging, or sharing in transportation you can add this information to the spreadsheet. Sometimes people will organize group meals or trips to restaurants. We think it’s a great idea but we don’t organize it. If you would like to do this, then please feel free to initiate the conversation with other trainees. If you sign up early, you may find another participant willing to share with you to reduce costs.    

We have collected a number of documents and guidelines that may help you with the facilitation of your immersion. Some are required while others are informational and suggested.

Required Documents

Immersion Venue Insurance Info Request
This document outlines the insurance your venue needs to have, our suggestion that you add the venue to your insurance as additionally insured and list the information we’re requesting is sent to us so that we may try to add the venue as additionally insured.

ANFT Immersion Team Paperwork Reconciliation Document
This document outlines the paperwork distribution, collection and process to return it to the office. This document is to be reviewed before the immersion.

ANFT health questionnaire
This needs to be printed (1 per participant and team member) and brought to the immersion for participants and trainers to fill out. This paperwork will be kept on hand during the training the sent back to ANFT as outlined in the paperwork reconciliation document.

ANFT COVID-19 Self-Check Agreement
Participants sign this document prior to attending the immersion and are asked to preform an additional self-check before leaving to attend the immersion. You do not need to have participants sign this again. You should have one with you for reference when the participants individually check in and you confirm that the participant has performed this check prior to coming to the immersion as outlined in the paperwork reconciliation document.

Social Distancing Standards Agreement
Participants sign this document prior to attending the immersion you do not need to have them sign this again. You should have one with you for reference so that you can go over it with the group at orientation  along with any other Covid-19 related guidelines for your gathering and venue set by the CDC and local governing bodies as outlined in the paperwork reconciliation document.

Consent and Release Form for Use of Likeness
Participants sign this document prior to attending the immersion you do not need to have them sign this again. You should have one with you for reference so that you can go over it with the group at orientation  along with any other Covid-19 related guidelines for your gathering and venue set by the CDC and local governing bodies as outlined in the paperwork reconciliation document.

ANFT Emergency Procedures Document
This document should be accessible to each trainer during the immersion.

Accident and Incident Report Form
If there is an accident or incident involving a participant or trainer fill out this form (1 per incident), document on the paperwork reconciliation document and mail or scan to the ANFT offices with the rest of the paperwork.

Emergency Information Package for Training Location) 
This form should be filled out upon an instructors arrival at a venue and should be accessible to each trainer during the immersion.

ANFT Immersion Evaluation
Evaluación de Inmersión ANFT
This needs to be printed (1 per participant) and brought to the immersion for participants to fill out on the last day. This paperwork will be sent back to ANFT as outlined in the paperwork reconciliation document.  

Public Walk Waiver and Release Form
Having a public walk is optional. If you choose to have a public walk this walk can only be advertised to people whom the participants know personally. At this time we are not going to extend this opportunity to venue staff or the general public in order to reduce the liability.
If you choose to have a public walk this form needs to be given to, and collected from, all public walk participants, then sent on to the ANFT offices. Upon collection make sure the signature, date, name, address and phone number are all listed and accurate. Trainer collecting the form will sign for ANFT.

Public Walk Evaluation
Having a public walk is optional.  If you choose to have a public walk this form needs to be given to, and collected from, all public walk participants, then sent on to the ANFT offices.

MOU Template Immersion
MOUs/agreements/contracts with immersion venues must be made between an immersion team member (or both members) and the venue directly, and not ANFT. This MOU template has been provided as a guide. You are not obligated to use this template. You can create your own contract between yourself(s) and the venue or use a contract that the venue drafts.  If you should choose to create your own contract there are certain considerations outlined in this template you may want to include. In this template areas highlighted in yellow need to be filled in accordance with the agreeing parties and details of your specific immersion. You may use this template as is to create your MOU with the venue, or you may revise it to reflect your needs. If you use this template, you will need to carefully review each section as they may be sections that are not relevant to your immersion that you may want to revise.

Resource Documents
Sample Schedule Playa Los Vivos Ben and Manuela

Sample Schedule Woodbound Inn Nadine and Darlene

Sample Schedule Los Angeles Arboretum Ben and Manuela

Sample Schedule Rolling Ridge Immersion Tam and Nadine

Sample Schedule Woodbound Inn Immersion Nadine and Carla

Sample Schedule Wellbeing Retreat Center Immersion Tam and Christine

Cold Weather Gear List for Forest Therapy Immersions

Sample Lodging, Ride and Meal Sharing Spreadsheet for immersion participants
Your participants may find this helpful if your venue does not provide lodging and people may be renting Airbnb’s. If your venue does provide lodging it may still come I handy for those who want to ride share. It’s completely up to you if you want to provide this resource. If you do you’ll want to make a copy of this google sheet to your own google drive and send the links to your participants in advance (make sure you set the link to give editing permission so participants can enter their information).

If you do use this spreadsheet we request that you do provide this message with it: We are only providing this way of connecting and sharing information. Neither we or ANFT is involved or responsible for the coordination in transportation, lodging or meal share arrangements between participants.

Here is some wording that you may choose to provide as well: We have created a spreadsheet for participants to coordinate ride, lodging and/or meal sharing with each other ahead of time. If you want to see about riding or lodging with someone, offering a ride or lodging, or sharing in transportation you can add this information to the spreadsheet. Sometimes people will organize group meals or trips to restaurants. We think it’s a great idea but we don’t organize it. If you would like to do this, then please feel free to initiate the conversation with other trainees. If you sign up early, you may find another participant willing to share with you to reduce costs.