Nature and Forest Therapy Guides



Introduction to Immersions

Immersions are explorations of specific topics and experiences of forest therapy. They are four to seven days in duration with spacious schedules. Immersions include guided forest therapy walks, teaching, discussions and expressive arts activities related to the topic. There is plenty of time each day to relax, integrate, explore local trails and sights, socialize, or have quiet personal time.

Immersions are for:

  • People who are interested in a unique experience of forest therapy in a retreat setting.
  • People considering forest therapy guide training, but would like to have more context before taking the guide training course.
  • Forest Therapy guides who wish to further develop their skills and understanding of forest therapy, and who want to explore deeper into what was learned during their forest therapy guide training certification course.
  • People who are looking for a deeper forest therapy experience to support their personal healing and growth.

Immersion Courses

This year ANFT is partnering with Wild Communion to offer Liminal Earth immersions. Wild Communion LLC is a company co-founded by ANFT Forest Therapy Guides, Amos Clifford and Christy Thomson, the same guides who have been hosting immersions with ANFT for the past two years. Please click on the link at the bottom to register for immersions on the Wild Communion website.

Each immersion explores one topic in depth, and touches on other topics that are connected.

Council of Water and Trees

This immersion explores active imagination and how we can use our imaginal capacity to connect with the "world between the worlds" where communication with other-than-human beings is possible.

Way of the Guide

Explore the unique world view and skill set of the Guide as an archetypal vocation that provides essential support to those who are on the journey of learning to embody the power and beauty of their authentic selves.

Language of Invitation

Learn to listen to the dialogue between our bodies, spirits, and the forests as we hone our ability to give voice to invitations from the world, so that those whom we guide can find their unique ways of growing the connection between self and world.

Houses of the Heart

We physically explore a model of wholeness and learn how to support and bring into balance each of the four "houses of the heart;" training our ability to trust and be guided by the wisdom of our bodies.

Alchemy of Forest Therapy

Alchemy is an authentic Western spiritual tradition with a long history that is re-emerging through depth psychology and nature-based practices. This course will link the ancient practices of the alchemists with the modern practices of fores therapy.

Click here to learn more about Liminal Earth Immersions at Wild Communion